Frequently Asked Question

I have submitted a form but received no confirmation.
Last Updated a year ago

As standard you should receive an email saying your form has been submitted.

If you have submitted a form you will receive an email confirmation message, provided you have entered your email address correctly on the form. 

If you think you have submitted your form but not received an email – it is likely to be one of two things:

  • You have incorrectly entered their email address on the form itself
  • You have saved the form instead of submitting it, by mistake. If you have a 10 or 12 digit number as a ‘Save Reference’; then it is highly likely you have just saved the form.  The 10 / 12 digits will be your Save Reference code which you can use to retrieve your saved data and then submit the form.

If you need any help on retrieving a saved form - we have a help section on this.

If you are worried about whether your form has been submitted we recommend you contact the Council to check with them that they have received you form.

On submission you should also see an on submission message on your screen. 

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